But there’s one thing you can say for it (and my colleague Terry Curtis Fox did, on his way out of the theater): “This film reaffirms my faith that it is still possible to be offended by a film.First, they must avoid German troops - and the consequences of their own blunders. It’s decadent, self-loathing, cynical and frequently obscene. Those would be the things the French intellectuals would argue about, but for me the film was more of an experience than a treatise like “The Exorcist,” it doesn’t have philosophical depth when you think about it, but in the theater it hammers your sensibilities. The sight of bourgeoise pigs being pigs is no doubt, from a certain point of view, an attack on their pigginess. There is no doubt great significance in the way the characters talk about themselves, each other and French society there is a double-reverse message to be found, I suppose, in the utter contempt with which the prostitutes in the movie are treated. I give you this background in order to be fair, because “La Grande Bouffe” didn’t leave me so much excited as exhausted. In any event, the movie went on to become (according to the publicity) the largest-grossing release in the history of Paris, all the while inspiring fistfights and insults on the Champs Elysees.

When you are Deneuve and Mastroianni, however, perhaps there is little need to speak. It opened at the Cannes Film Festival attended by gleeful controversy the critics chose up sides and attacked it as either (a) the most disgusting and decadent film in the history of France or (b) a savage, radical attack on the bourgeois establishment.Ĭatherine Deneuve went to see it with her lover at the time, Marcello Mastroianni (who is one of its stars) and would not speak to him for a week afterward, or so it is said. I say as nearly as I can tell, because the movie arrived here after creating the cinematic sensation of its year in France.