However, agronomic efficiency followed the order: UDP > MFP = MD > NPK-only = FP. The greatest apparent N recovery efficiency of 73% occurred in MD, followed by UDP (68%), NPK-only (63%), MFP (61%) and FP (35%), in that order.

Averaged across all six locations and both years, UDP produced 18% more grain yield than MFP, 38% more than MD, 155% more than FP, and 270% more than NPK-only. This fertilization strategy was compared with four other maize fertilization strategies: (1) microdosing (MD) (2) farmer practice (FP), which involves surface broadcasting of granular fertilizer (3) modified farmer practice (MFP), where granular fertilizer was incorporated into the soil and (4) NPK-only, where no supplemental N was added. Field trials were conducted in six locations in northern Ghana during the 20 farming seasons to evaluate the agronomic effectiveness and economic viability of urea deep placement technology (UDP), which involves deep placement of urea supergranules (USG), for maize production. Effective fertilizer management is critical for sustainable maize production.